Introducing the Obol Techne Credential

We're thrilled to announce the official launch of the Obol Techne Credential – a unique initiative that aims to increase the opportunities for members of the Obol Community and broader staking ecosystem. This credential offers an on-chain attestation of your skills and experience running Obol distributed validators. Through the Techne Credential, we aim to elevate your visibility and open new horizons in staking.

At Obol, we firmly believe in the pivotal role validators of all types play for the Ethereum ecosystem. We know that credible, high-performant operators can come in all sizes and from all regions of the world. It’s also critical that the staking community can identify trustworthy operators to run their stake. However, today, identifying high-quality validators can be difficult, especially for community or at-home validators, and this can limit the opportunities that are available to them. As we continue to realise our goals of a more resilient and decentralised Ethereum, we wanted to provide every validator an opportunity to prove, on-chain, their experience as validators, starting with running Obol distributed validators.

Drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of Ancient Greece, the name "Techne," refers to notions of art, skill, or craft – epitomising technical mastery. Today, Techne symbolises our vision to empower and uplift those who not only demonstrate technical prowess but also actively contribute to strengthening the staking ecosystem.

The Obol Techne Credential

What is the Obol Techne Credential?

The Obol Techne Credential is designed to provide an on-chain attestation that identifies, acknowledges, and elevates individuals who demonstrate proven experience, knowledge, and commitment within the Distributed Validators domain.

Each Obol Techne Credential is a verifiable, non-transferable NFT credential from Obol that proves your knowledge and experience operating Obol DVs. This on-chain attestation can then be used to showcase your experience, whether it’s to the Obol Core Team, other Obol community members, or the broader staking ecosystem.

What are the benefits of earning a Techne Credential?

As the staking ecosystem develops, many staking providers, like liquid staking protocols such as Lido and, are looking to build community-focused, permissionless, and more decentralised node operator sets. However, to be considered in those programs, validators must have proven experience and demonstrated ability to run high-performing nodes. The key benefit of the Obol Techne Credential is to give every validator a way to prove their knowledge and experience with Obol DVs. We believe that having an objective, on-chain credential carries substantial social weight, showcasing credibility and trust. This, in turn, should offer validators a higher likelihood of future inclusion in becoming node operators for various LSPs and other opportunities to run validators.

How do you earn a Techne Credential?

To earn an Obol Techne Credential, you must demonstrate knowledge and experience running Obol DVs. The journey will encompass two phases: Learning and Experience.


During the Learning phase, you will be required to build your understanding of Obol DVs. This includes knowledge of what DVs are, how they work, how they can be used, what are the key benefits, and more. At the end of the Learning phase, you will take a quiz to prove your knowledge. This is an opportunity to become an expert on the concepts related to distributed validators.


Once you complete the Learning phase, you will then be ready to run distributed validators. In the experience phase, you will need to demonstrate your abilities to set up, run, and maintain a DV cluster for 3 weeks. To gain the necessary experience, you can run an Obol DV either on an Ethereum testnet (starting with Goerli and then migrating to Holesky) or on Ethereum Mainnet. For most, we would strongly recommend starting with an Ethereum testnet environment.

Since the goal is to provide proof that you can run a highly-performant validator, you will also be required to maintain a node with uptime and effectiveness that is at minimum 2% lower than the network average for the entire 3 weeks. This key requirement increases the weight that the Obol Techne Credential holds, building additional trust in validators who have earned this credential.

Differentiating Between Ambassador and Credential Programs

As a side note, it is important to make the distinction between the Obol Techne Credential and the previously launched Obol Ambassador Program. Whereas the Techne Credential acts as proof of your technical experience and abilities running DVs, the Obol Network Credentials (ONCs) that you earn as part of the Ambassador Program act as recognition for tasks you complete that help to promote awareness, engagement, and/or growth of the Obol Network. There may be some overlap between these two programs with tasks that both build technical acumen and help grow the Obol Network, but they are distinct programs with different goals. As we move forward, we will further delineate these programs, highlighting their unique characteristics and contributions.

For those that have earned technical ONCs, the experience you already have in participating in our previous Bia testing program will also be applied to earning the Obol Techne Credential. For example, if during the Bia testing, you ran a node for more than 3 weeks with performance better than the network average, you will satisfy the experience requirements for the Techne Credential.

Getting Started with the Techne Credential Program

Ready to dive into the Techne Credential Program? Your first step is to visit our comprehensive Obol Techne Credential Program page where you’ll find all the necessary steps to get started, detailed program rules, deadlines, and an overview of how the program operates. This resource is designed to guide you through each stage of the process, ensuring a clear and structured path to success.

There, we also provide access to curated documentation essential for understanding and mastering the nuances of running Obol DVs. Whether you’re a seasoned participant in the staking ecosystem or just starting, these resources are a must-read. We are also giving you the possibility to test your knowledge and learning every step of the way. We will keep on adding more content and more quizzes over time.

Options for Participation

The Techne Credential Program offers flexibility in ways to participate. You can choose to run on either mainnet or testnet. Both paths are viable and will be recognized in the program. This flexibility allows you to engage at a level that suits your experience and comfort.

Important Disclaimer for Mainnet Participants

For those considering running on Mainnet, it’s crucial to be aware of the financial risks involved. Operating on the mainnet entails potential risks, including the possibility of asset loss. Obol, as a company, is not liable for any operational harm or asset loss that may occur. Therefore, we strongly advise those new to running DVs with Obol to start on testnet. This approach provides a safe environment to practise and build confidence before transitioning to the mainnet.

The Obol Techne Credential Program is more than just a pathway to recognition; it is a journey of growth, learning, and community building. We invite each one of you to be a part of this exciting venture. Your participation, learning, and growth alongside us are invaluable. Your feedback is crucial as we continually refine and enhance this program. 💪

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